Whisky Tasting Glasses x6
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The World's Leading Whisky Guide

Whisky Tasting Glasses x6
The Jim Murray’s Whisky Bible Tasting Glass.
Tasting whisky to the optimum effect demands the right glass – the glass in fact which Jim Murray has used throughout his entire career and which has adorned the front cover of the world famous Jim Murray’s Whisky Bible.
The Jim Murray’s Whisky Bible Tasting Glass.
Tasting whisky to the optimum effect demands the right glass – the glass in fact which Jim Murray has used throughout his entire career and which has adorned the front cover of the world-famous Jim Murray’s Whisky Bible.
Jim has long been frustrated at the difficulty people have had sourcing the glass desired for his “Murray Method” of nosing and tasting. So, we are delighted to announce that these glasses are now available to buy directly from the Dram Good Book Store.
The whisky nosing glass comes etched with the inimitable Jim Murray’s Whisky Bible logo on one side, so it does not disrupt the viewing of the whisky from the side.
The product itself is the perfect accompaniment to the Whisky Bible itself, allowing you to use the amazing ‘Murray Method’ of tasting to the fullest effect.
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No book shelf should be
No book shelf should be without this version of the bible.
A dram in one hand and the bible in the other.
This is a gift for
This is a gift for a good friend and whiskey connaisseur together with a recommended bottle out of this book.
I’ve every Whisky Bible from
I’ve every Whisky Bible from number 1, eagerly look forward to the next one. Keep them coming Jim!!
I’m very honored to have
I’m very honored to have on my bookshelves the 19 volumes. Each of them allow to follow the history – up and down – of the industry.
This is the must have for all connoisseur.
I consider Monsieur Jim Murray as the best expert on the planet.
I’ve never been deceived, following his commentaries.
Monsieur Jim Murray is THE LIVING PROOF of freedom of speech, expertise and commitment to help the industry to achieve upper quality levels.
I really appreciate the promotion of young unknown whisky makers.
Long life to Jim Murray’s whisky Bible and his author.
Many thanks for the last
Many thanks for the last 20 years of leading me down the paths to some amazing whiskies, such stuff as drams are made on!
There is no better whisky/whiskey
There is no better whisky/whiskey book anywhere. I have all 19, soon to be 20 editions and was so pleased Jim won out against ill-informed jealous woke nonsense. Mr Murray is an acknowledged true expert and his book is jaw-dropping in the information it conveys.
Thank you Jim for all
Thank you Jim for all your wisdom in the whisky world. We buy one for our eldest son and a very dear friend of ours. He looks forward every year for your new bible. You are the best.
Excellent work by a talented
Excellent work by a talented expert in his subject.
I’m a hug fan of
I’m a hug fan of the whiskey Bible
My favourite Christmas prestent for
My favourite Christmas prestent for my son. This IS his beloved book. Thank you.
Our family eargerly awaits Jim’s
Our family eargerly awaits Jim’s whisky Bible every year with anticipation and delight once we open it …love Jim….
Ett oumbärligt verktyg för den
Ett oumbärligt verktyg för den som vill bruka allvar med att göra det yttersta med sin dram.
The Whisky Bible is the
The Whisky Bible is the most authentic expression of the love of whisky there is.
When drinking a whisky by
When drinking a whisky by yourself, you need to know what someone thinks of the whisky, Jim is that someone. Sorry Jim, we disagree a lot but that it what I love about whisky.
A Bíblia do Whisky é
A Bíblia do Whisky é uma publicação de referência internacional, talvez o mais completo do mundo. Sem duvida e o meu livro de consulta. O Jim Murray escreve com independência, o que valoriza muito os seus comentários e da credibilidade ao assunto abordado.
The only guide I use.
The only guide I use.
The only Bible that I
The only Bible that I have bought every edition and read from cover to cover!
Jim is a personal hero
Jim is a personal hero of mine who has been treated extremely shabbily by the very people who used to hang on every word he wrote about their whisky!!
The good of Whiskey I
The good of Whiskey I love . oldman
I”ve been a huge fan
I”ve been a huge fan of Jim’s writing since before the Bible began. It’s wonderful when a critic’s taste is similar to my own, because they can try everything. Perhaps the best testimonial I can think of is when I spoke with Jimmy Russell at length and brought up Jim, he was really enthusiastic and mentioned that Jim had a house nearby. When the only surviving God of bourbon in the 20th century knows and likes you, you’ve arrived.
I don’t always agree with
I don’t always agree with Jim Murray’s judgements, but I know exactly how a whisky will taste. Just brilliant writing – always going to the heart of the matter and explaining …..
Been following Jim Murray’s Whisky
Been following Jim Murray’s Whisky Bible for several years now. Jim brings another level of enjoyment to an already enjoyable pastime.
Jim’s approach is unique!I had
Jim’s approach is unique!
I had a chance a to discuss with Jim personally and at length how he approaches the whole job of bringing so many whiskies and tastings together, year after year, and I was really astonished to what a degree of meticulousness he goes. There are many great whisky writers and gurus, but Jim’s approach is unique!
And as a good author, when you have to describe thousand different whisky expressions every year, you try to make it colourful and diverse, using parallels from life.
Sometimes I prefer different whiskies than Jim does. Yet, I am happy to see the 2023 version is here!
Petr Hosek
November 22, 2022
Love to follow your books.
Love to follow your books. Precise, comprehensive and a brilliant guideline. Thanks a lot
All the best……..whiskey.
All the best……..whiskey.
Since 2005 I have been
Since 2005 I have been following Jim Murray’s advice in choosing my Scottish single malts. Thanks Jim
Jim Murray, the best there
Jim Murray, the best there is !
The definitive reference!My tastes don’t
The definitive reference!
My tastes don’t align exactly with Jim Murray’s but I’ve learned some of the differences and use his scores as a benchmark for making purchases. Personal tastes aside, his ratings are a great measure and I can always find useful info in his reviews. I don’t buy a new bottle without looking for his review! Bravo Mr. Murray!
The best guide ever thanks
The best guide ever thanks
Beacon of guidance in the
Beacon of guidance in the whiskey world . Greetings from HongKong .
The only one to whom
The only one to whom I trust.
Whisky bible – must have
I find the whiskey bible
I find the whiskey bible an excellent addition to the bookcase.
Have been and will continue
Have been and will continue to be an avid reader and follower of Jim. My two son’s are also followers and purchase our Single Malt selections on Jim’s ratings. Many Thanks for your dedication to advance and improve the Scottish Single Malt Legacy!
The best bible to the
The best bible to the most fluid of religions!
best book on the subject
best book on the subject
Following the absurd article in
Following the absurd article in a national newspaper of a woke nutcase cancelling a well grounded and responsible author of well and documented whiskey products, I will now buy as many for friends who love the stuff and a fat middle finger to those with an OTT attitude of offensiveness to attempt to end it.
I do enjoy a dram
I do enjoy a dram or two, but never felt it necessary to buy a bible on said subject. But having read of the treatment of Jim Murray. Another victim of this insidious cancel culture that now pervades our society. I feel an overwhelming need to purchase one of said volumes. And I shall read it cover to cover.
I most sincerely hope that common sense & decency will ultimately prevail.
After reading the ridiculous Daily
After reading the ridiculous Daily Mail article, I am delighted to buy the Whisky Bible for my whisky-loving Husband, and also to raise a middle finger to the UNlady PUKEskin of the anti-human woke brigade.
Merry Christmas Jim!!
As the long time Secretary
As the long time Secretary of the Parliamentary All Party Scotch Whisky Group and a Keeper of the Quach we need people like Jim to be free to express their views. Keep up the good work the Industry needs you
I have purchased your invaluable
I have purchased your invaluable guide for several years now, just for the record I think it’s an absolute gem. I was wondering whether I needed an update but now I have learnt of your current situation I am about to invest in a 2022 version and put it on my list of Christmas presents for good friends.
Good luck Jim, I hope there are sufficient of us to ensure that, far from being cancelled, the word spreads and your position as a, no, the leading whisky commentator is enhanced.
I buy this every year,
I buy this every year, best book on Whisky there is. I use it all the time and agree with all Jim’s reviews and ratings. Found some absolute belters Id never have tried based off the reviews in this book.I also love his style of writing and encourage him to continue to write this way for his legions of appreciative fans around the world. Up yours woke brigade. Long live Jim and the Whisky Bible!
Good old Jim we need
Good old Jim we need more people like you, I never bough your book before but I am buying one now
Having read Jim’s story, I
Having read Jim’s story, I am delighted to buy the Whisky Bible, not only as the perfect Christmas present for my whisky-loving son-in-law, but also to raise two fingers to the mindless sheep of the woke brigade.
Merry Christmas and the best of luck Jim
Just read about Jim and
Just read about Jim and I support him 100 percent in fact I’m going to get a few t/shirts printed with W O W war war on woke feel free to follow suit and support freedom of speech Also jim
I am not a whisky
I am not a whisky drinker but i despise the spineless corporate assholes who dumped him on an unproven woke whim
I read about this story
I read about this story and thaught id show my support for jim and against the woke brigade.
Cannot believe iv only found
Cannot believe iv only found this book due to Jim being cancelled cancel the woke I say
Long live the whiskey Bible.
Going to buy this, just
Going to buy this, just to counter Woke cancellation of this intrepid researcher.
A true gent. Respectful of
A true gent. Respectful of all in our industry. Men and women. A nose for what is wonderful and the words to place it in the minds of men and women through written words and yes some are sexualised because he can only use his experiences through life to justify his writing. Or in short his books wouldn’t be so real and necessary. I have our industry owes you a debt or gratitude. You are the maker and the breaker of distillery’s and a champion of both male and female in our industry. Long may you continue.
Solid mooring in troubled seas,
Solid mooring in troubled seas, also good whiskey advice.
Customer since 2005,always look forward
Customer since 2005,always look forward to every edition
Old customer since 2011
Old customer since 2011
My go-to whisky book. Always
My go-to whisky book. Always a pleasure to read Jim’s reviews – he has such a great feeling and sense for the small details and nuances in the whisky. Can’t wait for the 2022 edition.
Greetings from Denmark.
The number one book for
The number one book for any whisky lover
For a novice in whiskey
For a novice in whiskey i have to acknowledge the amount of time ,effort and whiskey, that goes into making an excellent whiskey bible.
Make Jim Murray continue to do so. Looking fwd to 2022 edition.
Best Regards
Ynot the novice
As a complete novices to
As a complete novices to both collecting and drinking whiskey, i find the whiskey bible an excellent addition to the bookcase.
May you continue in your efforts to keep us all up to date.
Best Wishes
Ynot the Novice
I’ve been buying the bible
I’ve been buying the bible for at least 10 years. It’s not the whisky, it’s not the reviews, it’s the side-splitting humours observations and Jim’s literary style and language!!! Actually, I also like the bravery Jim has to recommend outside the accepted norms, like Johnny Black and Balentines. Usually frowned on by so-called experts.
I love using my bible
I love using my bible to compare my thoughts on a whisky compares with Jim. Also useful when deciding on what Whisky to buy.
I love the whisky bible,
I love the whisky bible, a true religion for the whisky enthusiast, its a mind opener.
I have them all
I have them all
Have bought the Bible every
Have bought the Bible every year since 2007. Jim Murray is the foremost authority on whisky and his reviews are entertaining as well as informative. Can’t think of buying whisky without consulting it!
the guidance of good whisky
the guidance of good whisky all over the world .
Having visited distilleries in Scotland
Having visited distilleries in Scotland and Ireland books on the history have made the enjoyment of Whisky greater. The Movie ‘The Angels Share’ made Jim’s books come to life.
Always enjoy the Bible. I
Always enjoy the Bible. I was lucky this year, having purchased three bottles of Alberta Premium Cask Strength about a week before the 2021 edition came out!
Year after year it is
Year after year it is still a pleasure to read this poetry about whisky (for a French man). Alaways humoristic and never “over serious” a
Looking forward to see it
Looking forward to see it
Great book for Whisky lovers
Great book for Whisky lovers
I love the Bible, it
I love the Bible, it is very easy to understand the taste of a whisky before buying and is very appetizing, makes you dream of the taste of the whisky just by reading!
Supporter of good whiskey
Supporter of good whiskey
Simply Great For a Wishkey
Simply Great For a Whiskey lover .
Past editions have been instructive.
Past editions have been instructive. Looking forward to receiving the 2020 offering.
“May the water of life
“May the water of life flow through our veins just as the words of freedom escape our breath.”
Very simply the go-to book
Very simply the go-to book for all things whiskey. Authoritative, clear, comprehensive.
We might need to get
We might need to get another bookshelf. This is my husband’s ‘go to’ book for any whisky information. The reviews are often amusing, and are referred to at the tastings he both runs and attends.
Most honest and entertaining book
Most honest and entertaining book in this business since 2003 👍
Have all of Jim’s books
Have all of Jim’s books dating back to 2006.
It’s a must have in every whisky lovers library.
A must for any whiskey
A must for any whiskey lover’s bookshelf.